Dade Legal Aid Staff assists low-income residents with Housing, Foreclosure Defense, Deeds, Wage Claims. Clients may apply below to qualify for free legal representation.
Please note we do not handle Emergency Cases or Emergency Hearings.
If you are a Housing client facing an Eviction or are in need of Immediate Assistance, Please see below for list of Available Resources:
Legal Assistance
- Broward County Bar Lawyer Referral Service: (954) 764-8040
- Broward Legal Services: (954) 765-8950
- Florida Bar Lawyer Referral: 1-800-342-8011
- Florida Legal Services: (407) 801-4350
- Florida Law Help
- Legal Services of Greater Miami: (305) 576-0080
- Miami Dade Bar Lawyer Referral Service: (305) 371-2646
Other Housing Related Assistance
- City of Hialeah Emergency Rental Assistance: (305) 863-2970
*program still open - City of Miami Homeless Assistance Helpline: (305) 960-4980
- City of Miami Housing Department: (305) 416-2080
- Community Action and Human Services: (786) 469-4600
- Energy Bill Assistance for Residents of Miami Dade:
*mail or drop off application to your nearest community Resource Center. - Housing Assistance Network of Dade (HAND) COVID-19 Rental Assistance:
1-877-994-4357 or (305) 231-7667 - HUD Housing Discrimination Hotline: 1-800-669-9777
- Miami Dade County Homeless Trust: 1-877-994-4357 or (305) 375-1490
- Miami Dade County Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP):
(305) 723-1815
*only to check the status of an application as the program is now closed. - Miami Dade Housing Advocacy Hotline: (786) 469-4545
*information on Renters’ and Landlords’ Rights in Miami Dade County